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Working With a Recruiter 

If you have not worked with an Executive Recruiter, the following are a few guidelines to ensure a positive experience:


  • Ask questions to make sure you feel comfortable working with the recruiter. For example,ask them to walk you through the process.

  • Make sure you know where the recruiter is sending your resume.

  • Always be honest about your education, job experience, and salary.

  • If another recruiter approaches you, inform them you are already working with someone else.

  • Be upfront about your interest in the position; do not hope to get a job offer in order to obtain leverage where you are; such strategies usually backfire.

  • The recruiter has a stake in your success. They can assist you in discussions with your future employer.

  • ATA consultants can be a good resource.  They are familiar with the current job market and career advancement opportunities.


Working With a Recruiter
Positions Filled by ATA

Finance and Information Technology

  • Chief Financial Officer

  • Chief Information Officer

  • Director of Patient Accounts


Healthcare Information Management

  • Director of Healthcare Information Management

  • Coding Director and Manager


Department Heads in Hospitals

  • Director of Pharmacy

  • Rehabilitation Director

  • Director of Plant Engineering

  • Director of Patient Access

  • Director of Food Services

  • Director of Radiology

  • Laboratory Director

  • Foundation Director

  • Safety Director

  • Director of Case Management

  • Director of Utilization Review

  • Performance Improvement Director

  • Quality Assurance Director

  • Foundations/Development Director


Medical Directors & Physicians

  • Medical Directors

  • Perinatologist

  • Pediatric Pulmonologist

  • Hospitalist- Director and Staff



  • Chief Nursing Officer

  • Director of Nursing, Critical Care

  • Director of Nursing, Emergency Services

  • Director of Nursing, Mother/Child

  • Director of Nursing, Perioperative Services

  • Director of Nursing, Med/Surg

  • Nurse Manager OB

  • Nurse Manager Oncology

  • Nurse Manager Pediatrics

  • Nurse Manager ICU/CCU

  • Nurse Manager Med/Surg

  • Nurse Manager PICU

  • Nurse Manager NICU

  • Nurse Manager Dialysis

  • Nurse Manager ER

  • Clinical Nurse Specialists

  • Nurse Educators

  • Nurse Practitioners

  • Director of Infection Control

  • Director of Quality Performance Improvement

  • Director of Utilization Review/Case Management

  • Director of Staff Development


Human Resources

  • Vice President Human Resources

  • Director of Personnel

  • Nurse Recruiter


Home and Hospice Care

  • President/Executive Director

  • Clinical Services Director

  • Patient Care Services Director

  • Nurse Manager

  • Finance Director

  • Marketing Manager

  • Director of Patient Accounts


Long Term Care 

  • President and CEO

  • Director of Nursing

  • Managers

  • Educators

  • MDS Coordinator

  • Food Service Coordinator



  • Clinical Director Drug Development

  • Product Support Specialists

  • Physician Liaisons

  • Director of Medical Affairs

  • Project Managers

  • Clinical Director Rheumatology

  • Clinical Director Infectious Disease

  • Clinical Director Oncology

Resume Suggestions
  • It is not necessary to limit your resume to one page. In a competitive market it is important to distinguish yourself from others.

  • Use a simple font and size; such as Times New Roman, 12 point.

  • The heading should include your name, address, telephone number and email address.

  • Include a brief "Qualification Summary" rather than a "Job Objective". List your strengths, which should be illustrated by measurable accomplishments in the body of your resume.

  • Next, under Education, list your most recent degree first. Include school, location and graduation date. If you are enrolled in a program, state your anticipated graduation date (optional).

  • Employment or Professional Experience should follow. List your most recent experience first. Include place of employment, job title, dates of employment, and a brief description of your responsibilities.

  • Use bullets to describe accomplishments in quantitative terms for each position. Use action words, to describe measurable accomplishments.

  • Include an area for Licensure, Certifications, Memberships or Associations, Awards, and Personal Activities (such as community service).

  • Make sure to add significant accomplishments. The resume should not rehash the basic responsibilities of a job – the hiring company will already know what the job entails. Instead, highlight aspects of your career that help show why you are a better candidate than anyone else. Any instances where you accomplished a special goal or were able to improve efficiency will augment an employer’s perception of you. Put all accomplishments in bullet form so they will be easy to see and read.

  • The layout of your resume can say as much about you as the actual content. Make sure your resume is clearly spaced, and that the font is readable. Font sizes 10 to 12 are generally acceptable. Also, if possible, email your resume to a friend and have them open it on their computer. This will allow you to see if the formatting changes when sent electronically. As a safeguard against formatting errors, you may want to save your document in Rich Text Format (.rtf) or in Portable Document Format (.pdf), as most word processing programs can read files in these languages.

  • Lastly, proofread. Do not rely on spell check. Double check and then have someone else review the resume. Typographical errors are not acceptable and can be a factor in removing you from consideration.

Interview Tips
  • Arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled interview. Punctuality is important!

  • Dress professionally.

  • Review your resume. Emphasize accomplishments to illustrate your strengths.

  • Always bring an extra copy of your resume.

  • Prepare questions and answers for the interview.

  • At your first interview, ask open ended questions that create a two way dialogue. Do not discuss personal, family, or financial problems.

  • Act interested, be flexible, candid and straightforward. Keep good eye contact - this shows confidence.

  • Be familiar with the position. Research the organization and determine how you could make a contribution to the company.

  • Never say anything negative about a former/current employer or co-worker.

  • Make sure references you give know they are going to be called.


Common Interview Questions


During an interview, an interviewer will not only ask you questions pertaining to the position for which you are applying, but will also ask questions to help him/her get a better sense of your work ethic, accomplishments, and compatibility. These questions are relatively uniform throughout all interview processes, and being prepared to answer them could mean the difference in being accepted for a position.


Question 1: What are your strengths/weaknesses?

This question is almost always asked in some variation, and there are several ways it can be answered. Although you might be tempted to use humor, avoid it, as a joke may not be interpreted the way you intended. Instead, focus on strengths that emphasize how well you work with others.


Question 2: What makes you the best candidate for this position?

When answering this question, be sure to focus on traits or experiences that relate well to the position. Try to be specific, as more detailed accounts will likely leave a greater impact on the interviewer.  One effective way to answer this question is to mention a short anecdote that highlights something you can bring to the job. Illuminating your experience this way will likely be more memorable than giving the interviewer a laundry list of characteristics.


Question 3: Where do you see yourself in five years?

When answering this question, try to remain general. Talk about your values, and your goals, but don’t get bogged down in a detailed explanation of your career path. Remember, the interview is about fitting you into the position, and all your answers should be geared that way.


Body Language


Body language can play several important roles in an interview. Strong body language can help make an interview process much smoother. When in an interview, remember to stand and sit up straight, as they are signs of confidence. Also try to lean your body forward slightly, as this shows interest. Make sure to keep as much eye contact as possible, and to limit the amount of fidgeting you do. If you are having difficulty with fidgeting, however, try and ignore it. Getting frustrated or focusing on the fidgeting could lead you to ignore the interview itself, which would make a much worse impression than lightly tapping your foot.


Acting Professionally


It is often thought that an interviewer makes a determination on a candidate in the first 30-60 seconds of an interview. Because of this, it is important to remember that you are being reviewed for every second you’re with the potential employer. This includes before and after the formal interview. Because of this, it is important to treat any employee of the organization with respect and dignity.


After an interview, it is favorable to send a personal, hand-written thank you to the interviewer. While an email is acceptable, a hand-written note is preferred, and should be sent 24-36 hours after the interview. In your note, thank the interviewer for making you feel welcomed and at ease. Be sure to include something new that you learned about the organization during the interview, and also how your skills and experience would benefit the organization.


You have accepted a new position, you hand in your resignation and, to your surprise,
your manager offers you a raise, some new responsibilities and incentives, etc. Before you accept this counteroffer, seriously consider the following:


  • Does the counteroffer really and truly offset the reasons for leaving?


  • Your commitment to the organization may be questioned.


  • Your employer may feel as though they were manipulated into giving you a raise.


  • A counteroffer is a short-term solution. Your reason for leaving will not change.


  • Accepting a counteroffer could be very costly in terms of your long-term professional career.

Starting in a New Position 

Married couples have long had their honeymoons and executives have long had their "first 100 days" before their performance was really scrutinized. That is changing. A heightened focus on fast results is making the first few months seem more like a trial by fire than an easy grace period. Organizations are more willing to make changes with managers if they do not fit in or lack strategic focus.


What is needed is a common sense approach  for new appointees to understand the culture, and have a game plan before they start their job. Below are some suggestions:


  • Do not wait for day one. Consider holding one on one meetings with your key reports and review financial, quality, and operational information before you start.


  • Develop an agenda for the first 100 days.


  • Limit your major goal or themes to 3...otherwise you will overwhelm your staff.


  • Discover stories from your new employer to help you illustrate a point. Do not use examples from your past may lead to resentment.


  • Identify the informal leaders and people your supervisor will speak with to get an impression of you. Develop their trust by being candid and predictable. Be supportive of your new employer and staff.


  • Map out quick wins. Don't plan on a honeymoon. Early on, discuss with your staff easy to reach goals that they can achieve.


Thank You Letters

Send your "Thank You" letter within a day or two after the interview. A quick response demonstrates your strong interest in the position.


The "Thank You" letter should be sent to the "hiring executive" (person to whom you will be reporting). You may also consider sending a letter to other interviewers that participated in the process.


The letter should be composed of three paragraphs.


The opening paragraph of the "thank you" letter should express your appreciation for the interview. This is also a good place to sincerely complement the organization. For example, if the organization is growing or innovative in a key area, mention their accomplishments.


The middle paragraph is your opportunity to market yourself. Perhaps to re-state a specific accomplishment or the ways you feel that you can make a significant contribution to the organization. Also, this is a good place to include an important accomplishment that you may have neglected to mention or stress adequately during the interview.


The final paragraph should reflect your interest in the position and your desire to be strongly considered as a prospective candidate. In addition, you can thank the interviewer once again for the opportunity to meet and that you are looking forward to hearing from them.

Positions Filled
Resume Tips
Interview Tips
Starting a New Position
Thank You Letters

© 2016 by Allen Thomas Associates, Inc.

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